
We are a dispersed Benedictine community of Oblates - women and men, lay and ordained - who are blessed to have a rich monastic heritage that is still shaping us today. While our members come from varied backgrounds, we originated as Oblates of the former Benedictine Community of Christ the King - an enclosed, contemplative community of Anglican nuns whose monastery was situated in the picturesque and peaceful foothills of the Warby Ranges on Bpangerang Country in North-east Victoria. Uniquely, from inception, the Oblates were welcomed into the enclosure, and took their places in the choir, in Chapel, for the daily praying of the Divine Office. For more on our roots, please visit the Timeline page. Much of the text of the Timeline has been drawn from Called to Pray: A History of the Benedictine Community of Christ the King (2009) by Oblate Dr Lesley Preston.

Each of us individually, at one time or another, answered a deep call to seek God, and found a great richness of support, guidance and friendship on the journey, from the Sisters, from the community's chaplains and spiritual advisors, and from each other. We found, and continue to find, a sense of home. We invite you to be in touch, if, as you read these pages, you have an inkling that in journeying with us you may find this too.

From the time that the Sisters were no longer with us, the Oblates have felt called to continue living under our oblation promises, and to 'stay together' even as we are geographically apart. We form two chapters - Victoria and South Australia - and members of each chapter meet regularly throughout the year with our chaplains, Fr Scott Moncrieff (South Australia) and Fr Neil Hicks (Victoria). For many years, the South Australia chapter and some of the Benedictine Oblates of St Mark's Abbey, Camperdown, have participated together in meetings, and both chapters of the Oblates of Christ the King come together for a conference annually. The Community continues to evolve in response to God's call, with some members presently discerning a further vocation to consecrated life.

Our community imageOur community image

In 2023, the Community was deeply saddened by the death of the Chaplain to the Victorian Oblates, Father Roger Kelly OGS. Father Roger's loving care for each Oblate, and for the Community as a whole - its life and growth - are, and will continue to be deeply missed, as will Father's joyful presence and wonderful sense of humour. Father Roger was Chaplain from early 2020 to the time of his death in April 2023.

On the Feast of Christ the King, November 2023, (photo) the Oblates of the Victoria Chapter were delighted to welcome Father Neil Hicks to be their Chaplain. Father Neil is the Archdeacon of the Diocese of Wangaratta, and priest-in-charge of Wangaratta West and the Warbies.

Recent developments image
Oblation imageOblation imageOblation image

"Receive me, Lord, as you have promised, and I shall live;
do not disappoint me in my hope."   (from a Rite of Oblation, Oblates of Christ the King)

Oblation is, first and foremost, an offering of one's very self - one's being - to God, from which doing flows. A Benedictine Oblate takes as their guide The Rule of St. Benedict, and some helpful modern-day commentaries, in the practice of consecrating each day - its work, leisure, inspirations, commitments, joys and sorrows to God, outside of whom none of these things, nor we, have being. Inner transformation has primacy, in the context of the work and circumstances at hand - whether these be overtly spiritual or seemingly ordinary - and by this the 'outer' is transformed, its sacredness realised.

St. Paul reminds us that good works on our part - whatever they may be - flow from the doing of God; first and foremost from God's good work of creating us in Christ. God "made us alive together with Christ ... and raised us up with him, and seated us with him in the heavenly places in Christ Jesus." It is from the place of this being-in-Christ that we walk in the good works God has prepared for us. "For we are what he has made us, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand to be our way of life."
(Letter to the Ephesians 2: 4-10)

To help us fine-tune our ability to "listen with the ear of the heart" to God's promptings, to respond wholeheartedly to, and take delight in God's being and doing in us, an Oblate's day follows, as much as is practicable, the monastic rhythm of prayer, lectio divina (literally, divine reading), work and leisure as set out by St Benedict in the 6th centuryOn the Gallery page, each photo caption is drawn from St Benedict's Rule, which is steeped in holy Scripture.

In the slow, rhythmic immersion in Scripture, that is lectio divina, "We listen to God speaking to us. Sometimes we hear and say 'Ah!' Sometimes we wait."  

The cultivation of silence also deepens receptivity to God:
"Daily tasks done in silence heighten the awareness of the moment and its sacredness. The gift of life given to me - the ability to do the task and experience joy and praise in it - is such a gift that only our Lord can give. I know that Christ is found in all things at all times, and in silence and listening for Him, he will be found."

"External silence helps me on the journey to internal silence and peace." 
(Oblates' reflections)


At an Oblates' Gathering held some years ago at the Community of Christ the King, the question was posed: "As listeners, do we have a mission in the world?" As one Oblate responded,

"We have a mission in the world by being open to God's Word. We are open to all we meet, including those in their struggle to live in this troubled time. Being open to God's love, we are open to those we meet in our daily life. Not preaching, just being, and praying that people will see a little of our Lord in our life." 

In the words of Mother Rita Mary, the late Superior of the Community of Christ the King,

"As we sit in the pews on Sunday, do we realise that we have come to Feast on the Heavenly Banquet in the Eucharist so that we may go forth to bring the life of Christ into the lives of all we meet? ... Through the teaching Jesus has left us, He has given us means to be His ambassadors. For example, His words in S. John's Gospel take us deep into the heart of God: 'As the Father has loved me, so I have loved you. Abide in my love.' There are different translations; 'Dwell in my love', 'Make your home in me'. Truly, as we do make our home in Him, we are enabled to let others enter too." (Advent letter, in preparation for the Feast of Christ the King, 2012)

Becoming an Oblate of Christ the King

Oblation is open to women and men, clerical or lay, who are committed members of the Anglican Church, or a denomination approved by the Community, who believe themselves called to live their lives in the world, in the Spirit of the Rule of St Benedict.

Having spent some time getting to know the Community, an Aspirant is accepted for enrolment as a Novice Oblate by the Chaplain, in conjunction with their parish priest or spiritual advisor. The Novitiate is usually not less than 12 months.

Final oblation is a life commitment, with the opportunity, if desired, to re-affirm the commitment each year. Where possible, Final oblation shall be in the presence of the Chaplain of the Chapter, or with the Oblate's own parish priest.

All Oblates should endeavour to spend some time in retreat, and if possible attend the AGM each year (distance permitting). They should endeavour to read the relevant chapter of the Rule of St Benedict each day, and to pray one Office daily.
(From the draft Constitution of the Oblates of Christ the King)




A small group of enclosed Sisters from The Community of the Holy Name settles at Kurring-gai, a 100-acre property under Mount Baines on the Eastern side of the Warby Ranges, South Wangaratta.

Learn More3/07/1990

Stations of the Cross and Chapel

The Chapel of Christ the King is dedicated and the Stations of the Cross are blessed.

Learn More14/02/1991

The Community of Christ the King Inaugurated

The inauguration and reception of the Community of Christ the King takes place in Holy Trinity Cathedral, Wangaratta on the Feast of S. Scholastica.

Learn More10/02/1994

The Rule of S. Benedict Adopted and Oblates Received

The Benedictine Community of Christ the King is formally inaugurated on the Feast of S. Ignatius Loyola. In August 1998, the Community is formally welcomed into the Benedictine Union of Australia and New Zealand.

Learn More11/07/1997

World-wide Benedictine Oblates Congress, Rome

CCK Oblates are invited to participate in the first World Congress of Benedicitine Oblates. The theme is 'Communion with God - Communion with the World'.

Learn More19/09/2005

Journeying Home and Travelling On

With the passing of Sister Patience OSB OBE, four years after that of Mother Rita Mary, the Community of Christ the King's faithful and whole-hearted response to God's loving call is complete. The Sisters' response inspired, uplifted, comforted and challenged many, calling each to listen more deeply, to respond more fearlessly, to trust less reservedly. Their prayers touched an untold number of lives.

Learn More8/07/2019

If you would like to find out more about our Oblate community, please contact either: Oblate Margot Esther in Victoria, or Oblate Meg Clare - Margaret Parker - in South Australia. We would love to hear from you.