Mother Rita Mary, Deacon Gianpiero and Oblate Margot Esther

The Congress made a deep impression on both Mother Rita Mary and Oblate Margot Esther, who attended together. Mother reflected on an awareness of belonging "to the Body of Christ" and being "in deep fellowship with fellow Christians from all over the world". Margot Esther experienced "an incredible feeling to be a part of 300 people who were all Oblates or part of monastic life."  She reflected also on being "So grateful for what we have [in CCK]. You tend to think you're isolated and this is such a small Community, but the richness within that Community is just wonderful."

Oblate Julie Teresa (standing at left) attended the Benedictine Congress in 2009. She is pictured here with Mother Rita Mary (seated at left), Sister Patience, Oblate Margot Esther and Oblate Lesley Eleanor (standing at right), author of Called to Pray: A History of the Benedictine Community of Christ the King (2009).